An image of a Texas patrolman rolling down a dusty road in Dubai and busting into a dilapidated shack in order to bring in a teenager who has never stepped foot in America comes to mind....
Police Chief Joe Acevado who is valiantly leading the charge has this to say on the bloggers:
"A lot of my people feel it is time to take these people on," Acevedo told the Statesman. "They understand the damage to the organization, and quite frankly, when people are willfully misleading and lying, they are pretty much cowards anyway because they are doing so under the cloak of anonymity."
If I could take a guess, I would think that Mr. Acevado finally got around to using the Internet and found out that all the people he busted weren't too happy about it and were using the only (formally) legal means to get back at their persecutors. I would also guess that Chief Acevado doesn't fully understand the power of the Internet and bloggers like myself who seek to turn the tables and metaphorically bring about Justice by exposing the foolishness of people like Acevado.
The Internet for better or worse is unstoppable and any effort to reign it or its users in will end in complete and utter failure and embarrassment.
With that I'll leave you with a comment posted be Jaguar717 in regards to this story:
"As Acevedo's gay underage drug-dealing illegal alien lover, I can tell you first hand that he says this all in jest. He actually enjoys being impersonated, and encourages anyone with strong feelings about this article to assume his name and "malign him beyond the boundaries of legal tolerance" (that's a euphemism for sex)."
Keep it up world...